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Mastering Electrical Safety: Essential Tips for Homeowners

I. Introduction:

1. As a homeowner or business owner it is very important to understand how serious an electrical emergency can be

2. These facts will allow you to better understand what to do in the case of an electrical emergency

II. Understanding Electrical Hazards:

1. Common electrical hazards in homes and work places can be the following:

        a. Improper grounding of circuits / devices

        b. Outdated wiring

        c. Overloading power strips / extension cords

        d. Unprotected electrical outlets

2. Risks of electrical hazards occurring can be:

        a. Arcing ( sparks that occur when two unlike conductors come in contact )

        b. Shock ( a feeling when touching an electrical device improperly )

        c. Burns ( marking that will be left on the skin do to contact with electrical devices )

        d. Fire ( can result in whole home fires, device fires, or panel related fires )

3. Is it important to call a local 24/7 electrical company immediately if you experience an electrical hazard

III. Recognizing Signs of Electrical Problems:

1. Common signs of electrical issues:

        a. Continuously tripped breakers

        b. Flickering lights

        c. Burning smells


2. Is it serious to take precaution and do all things able to prevent these electrical issues from occuring 

IV. Conclusion

1. Have an emergency electrical contractors information on speed dial ( you'll never know when an issue will occur)

2. Take all serious precautions to eliminate any undesired issues 

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